Gary 28th August 2015

Remembering Phil We had some great mammoth chatting sessions...Phil and I...On the boat with a few beers...and maybe a toke...Phil more- or- less told me his life story...Family, Childhood, Teens, Relationships , Jobs, Mates, Music and so on... Once...Tony, from Phil’s early past, was there and I witnessed them reliving the good ole days... with much laughter – It was fun just listening. But the overriding light of Phil’s life was his daughter, Shia Ying...He was so proud and happy to be her father...and felt gratefully fulfilled. Phil was born a week before me in 1954. We were kindred spirits, with a love of music... he was fondly known, at his local, as ‘Mr DJ’... for his choice of music on the jukebox... we cherished each other’s company...He was compassionate, generous, thoughtful and loyal... and we laughed...A good heart is hard to find... Phil had his failings...He knew them well ! He called me from the hospital, shortly before his tragic, too early, passing...and we talked briefly about the future...He seemed optimistic, considering his condition, and I cheered him up by telling him he would still be able to drive an automatic...Alas...2 days later he was gone. I’ll never forget him...And like us all I’ll miss him for the rest of my life... Phil would say...’Cheers my man !’ ...and we would hug. Gary Jerreat – August 2015